In 2019, I found myself with a San Pedro Medicine Man. I was battling for my life as I had Stage III Cancer and I was overweight about 70lbs. I had a San Pedro/Psilocybin ceremony that would utterly Transform My Life and my view on Plant Spirit Teacher Medicines. It was during this life-changing evening that I was met by a Serpent of Light that I came to know as Asclepius, a God of Healing, a CHRIST. ” The Serpent of Light told me, that I would go through Hell for these plants but I would always be healed and protected. This experience was more real than life itself and the message never better received. It was because of SPIRIT leading me, the following day after sitting with Spirit in prayer, I decided to Trust that Serpent of Light over that dark MD who wanted to give me 4 more sessions of Chemo with 5 very new medication with high side effects. I CAN TELL YOU- TRUST CHRIST – TRUST SPIRIT – TRUST YOUR HEART
4 months later, I was tested and cured through Faith and natural medicines like Kambo. A year later, I was still cured. Today, I am 175lbs and live in SPIRIT with a holistic lifestyle. I OWE MY LIFE TO CHRIST AND PLANT SPIRIT TEACHER MEDICINES!!! #Kambo #BufoAlvarius #Psilocybin #Ayahuasca #SanPedro
Please reach out to Healing Goddess Lauren “Golden Leaf” 205-821-4740 Visit